My website is officially up & running!!!! Visit it at:
This will be my last post on blogger, from now on, please leave your comments on the link above.
It's been fabulous,
XO, -T
Friday, July 26, 2013
Thursday, July 25, 2013
Liebster Award! 2nd time around!
This morning while I was sipping my daily espresso shot and eating a croissant I was scrolling through my e-mail! I was so happy to see that I was nominated for a second Liebster Award, it pretty much made my morning because I have been a little stressed with getting ready for August, 1st. To get away from the design and all the little details of my website for an hour or two is just what I need, and besides Liebster awards are so much fun to participate in! I was nominated by KaLeena from Live Chicly, so big thanks to KaLeena for taking notice in my blog, and nominating me! What I love about the Liebster Awards is that it's basically like a chain of kindness by bloggers for bloggers, it's fabulous and I am honored to be nominated twice!
Here are the rules:
1. Each nominee should answer the 11 questions asked by the tagger
2. Nominate five bloggers for this award (with under 200 followers) and link them in your post.
3. Create 11 new questions for your chosen bloggers.
4. Go to their page and tell them about the nomination.
5. Tag backs are not allowed.
Here are the questions I was asked by KaLeena!
1. If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be? I'd love to live in Italy, preferably Milan or Florence. As long as I'm surrounded by great people, good shopping and good food, I'll be pretty happy.
2. What was your most embarrassing moment? Oh dear,this happened pretty recently, it's beyond embarrassing, but beyond funny. While I was on the road to Florida, it took me about 3 days to drive there, I have two dogs and I had to make sure that I was spending the night at a dog-friendly hotel, the first night in Houston went great the dogs behaved and I was out on the road by 8 in the morning, the second night was a NIGHTMARE! I went out at about 9 at night, I decided my dogs would be fine for about 5 minutes while I went go get ice for the cooler because they were usually pretty decent dogs, well I was terribly wrong. As I was exiting the door, my dog SPRINTED out of the room, down the hotel hall, through the LOBBY, and then made a run for the hotel EXIT!! She ran through the automated doors all by HERSELF, into the parking lot, and I was chasing her, so many people were laughing. By far the funniest/most embarrassing thing that has happened, everybody was laughing at us!
3. Preferred caffeine fix: coffee, tea, or pop? Usually when I need a little coconut creamer boost in the morning, I make an espresso shot ( like today), but I'm in love with pomegranate tea with a teaspoon of agave for those non-espresso days.
4. What is your secret talent? Horseback riding for sure, a lot of people don't know that I ride.
5. What is your favorite color for a pedicure? My go-to color is Essie's mod-squad, of course I have about 3 backups, I'm always very prepared. Mojito madness is one of my 3 backups, so chic.
6. Who is your current celebrity crush? Liam Hemsworth, he's basically like the taller version of Chace Crawford, height is always a necessity for someone as tall as I am.
7. If you could raid the closet of one blogger, who would it be? Easily The Blonde Salad, she always has the most effortless looks.
8. Where did you go to college? I'm working on that right now, I still haven't decided where I'm going this year.
9. What would your dream job be? I'd love to be a fashion-editor turned talk-show host/stylist. A girl can dream.
10. Do you have any siblings? If so, how many? Are you the oldest, youngest, or in the middle? No, I'm an only child.
11. What would your perfect Saturday look like? Palm City shopping by morning, lunch in West Palm, and catching dinner in Miami at Prime 112. I'm always on the go.
Here are my nominees!
1.) Brenda Bastidias of life. love. & makeup2.) Eleanora Digiesi of Elly in Makeup Land
3.) Doménica Quintero of d is for dangerous
4.) Jenn of Snappy Lemon
5.) Jaclyn De Bonis of Written in Fashion
My questions:
1. Favorite magazine?
2. What's your go-to shopping destination?
3. What has been the best thing about blogging so far?
4. How long does it take you to write a post?
5. Favorite quote?
6. What are some of your favorite hobbies?
7. What was the last book you read?
8. What color are your nails right now?
9. What did you major in?
10. Celebrity crush?
11. Who in your family has the best fashion sense?
Until later,
Wednesday, July 24, 2013
Wordless Wednesday: Jeanne Lottie's 28th Anniversary Party (by guest-blogger:Sage)
Talia's Bloggers Note: Thanks for posting this awesome post Sage! I look forward to next Wednesday!! :) -Talia
Monday, July 22, 2013
Meet my new guest blogger: Trendy Techie!
Hey y'all! I am very excited to announce MORE amazing news! Diary of my Closet now has a guest blogger!
Meet Sage, from Trendy Techie! She's fabulous, smart, intuitive and VERY trendy! I came into contact with Sage by the Lucky Mag community! I checked out her blog, and I knew she would be a good fit as a guest blogger, here is a little snippet of her about me page! "Goodbye images of closeted coders stuck in their basements, unaware of the world around them – a new generation of techies is here! Bring on the fashionistas, trendsetters and socialites of the tech world. We’re here to fix your computers and look good doing it. Welcome to Trendy Techie, my blog about life as a young female Computer Scientist. Every day, women in technology face negative stereotypes that so don’t need to exist. I’m here to show you how we girls do it in CS – the fun, fearless, powerful way."
Meet Sage, from Trendy Techie! She's fabulous, smart, intuitive and VERY trendy! I came into contact with Sage by the Lucky Mag community! I checked out her blog, and I knew she would be a good fit as a guest blogger, here is a little snippet of her about me page! "Goodbye images of closeted coders stuck in their basements, unaware of the world around them – a new generation of techies is here! Bring on the fashionistas, trendsetters and socialites of the tech world. We’re here to fix your computers and look good doing it. Welcome to Trendy Techie, my blog about life as a young female Computer Scientist. Every day, women in technology face negative stereotypes that so don’t need to exist. I’m here to show you how we girls do it in CS – the fun, fearless, powerful way."
Sage will be posting every Wednesday! Here's a few pictures from her blog!
Stay tuned for Wednesday, and for my new website!!
Until later,
XO, -T
Sunday, July 21, 2013
I'm on the move!
Hey y'all! I am so excited to share some awesome news today!! My blog is moving, and on August, 1st Diary of My Closet will no longer be, and will be! I'm moving platforms, and I will have an official website and I will be leaving Blogger. It's important that all my readers know this so you can keep up with everything, I plan on continuing to post every now and then on Blogger, but my main focus will be my new, and improved website. I have decided to switch mainly because I need a little change, I am in the process of designing the site, moving my posts, and getting the finishing touches for the August launch. This is a very exciting time, and I want to share it with all of you! Be sure to stay tuned!
Until later,
Until later,
Saturday, July 20, 2013
The Liebster Award!
Hey y'all! I have recently been nominated for a Liebster award, I had no idea what to think because I had no idea what a Liebster award was! But when I saw that I was nominated by Anusha's Avenue, I was so excited because she really has a fabulous blog! Now, if you do not know what the Liebster Award is, it is a award given by bloggers, for new and upcoming bloggers and it's a chain that is going throughout the blogging community. The tagger picks five bloggers with under 200 followers, links them to the post, and creates 11 unique questions for the five nominees to answer!
To sum it up, here are the rules!
1. Each nominee should answer the 11 questions asked by the tagger
2. Nominate five bloggers for this award (with under 200 followers) and link them in your post.
3. Create 11 new questions for your chosen bloggers.
4. Go to their page and tell them about the nomination.
5. Tag backs are not allowed.
Here are the questions Anusha's Avenue asked!
1. For you, when did the love for fashion begin? Fashion began at the very, very beginning, at 2 I started to show interest in picking out outfits but, at 5 was when I really got into it. Fashion was always an obvious passion, but at 5 I asked my parents for a Vogue subscription, I embraced my mom's Jimmy Choo's, at 5 that was when I knew I wanted to be a fashion editor, the love was always there.
2. What made you decide to create a fashion blog? When I made my blog, I knew I loved fashion, and I knew that I could blog about it. My friends begged me to make a blog, they knew how much I loved the industry. To be writing about something I have always loved is just amazing.
3. What is your favorite season & how do you dress for that season? My favorite season is definitely spring!! For spring, I definitely wear a lot of maxi dresses, floppy hats, bold necklaces, lace, clutches, strappy pumps, floral, and colored pants. You'll definitely find me in J. Crew during spring.
4. What items are on your summer wish list in terms of jewelry and accessories? A rose pair of Ray-Ban aviators, Kate Spade NY skinny mini bow studs, Zara cross body (preferably in tan), a bold scarf, and a Rachel Zoe floppy hat. I'll keep it short.
5. Can you describe your blog in a short paragraph? My blog is a reflection of my style, and myself! It's a place where I can just write freely and share trends, and hopefully inspire people to create a blog of their own or to re-vamp their wardrobe!
6.. Who are your favorite fashion bloggers and why do you admire them? I do not have one specific favorite fashion blogger or bloggers. I admire anybody who blogs about fashion that does not just do it for the free clothes, the money or for a shot at fame. You can tell when bloggers don't love what they are doing.
7. If you could live in another country, where would you choose to live? Italy by far, Milan is one of the biggest fashion meccas.
8. How do you see your blog a year from now? I hope to see my blog still running, it will be fun to watch as it continues to grow, and that each and every posts is quality. I don't see any specific numbers, I can't predict that. I just want to continue writing about what I love, and meeting new people.
9. Are you a trend setter or a trend follower? A little bit of both, I get inspiration from magazines and make the look my own. It's not my place to say if I am a trend-setter or not, that's for others to decide.
10. How many times do you re-read the post you typed before hitting 'Publish'? Way too many, I triple check before I publish on the casual post. I definitely check the designer posts the most before I publish, those always have to perfect.
9. Chanel's Hula Hoop Bag from the Spring/Summer 2013 collection, Would you purchase it? As much as I adore Chanel and Karl Lagerfeld, I would not purchase it. I go by the motto "less is more", this bag simply is not functional. Think of what Madmoiselle Chanel would say.
10. If you could order a Louis Vuitton custom case, what item would you order it for? For my YSL pumps or for my Gucci ostrich bag, those are the items I treasure the most.
11. If you could interview Karl Lagerfeld, what three questions would you ask him? To interview Karl Lagerfeld would be beyond anything, I would ask him 1.) "What was Madmoiselle Chanel like?" 2.)"How many pairs of shoes do you have?" (Silly, I know) 3.) "What do you think you individually bring to the House of Chanel?"
(p.s, I have no idea what's up with the numbering.)
My nominees!
1.) Busola Coutts of The Fashion Stir Fry
2.) Eleanora Digiesi of Elly in Makeup Land
3.) Doménica Quintero of d is for dangerous
4.) Jenn of Snappy Lemon
5.) Jaclyn De Bonis of Written in Fashion
My questions for my nominees!!
To sum it up, here are the rules!
1. Each nominee should answer the 11 questions asked by the tagger
2. Nominate five bloggers for this award (with under 200 followers) and link them in your post.
3. Create 11 new questions for your chosen bloggers.
4. Go to their page and tell them about the nomination.
5. Tag backs are not allowed.
Here are the questions Anusha's Avenue asked!
1. For you, when did the love for fashion begin? Fashion began at the very, very beginning, at 2 I started to show interest in picking out outfits but, at 5 was when I really got into it. Fashion was always an obvious passion, but at 5 I asked my parents for a Vogue subscription, I embraced my mom's Jimmy Choo's, at 5 that was when I knew I wanted to be a fashion editor, the love was always there.
2. What made you decide to create a fashion blog? When I made my blog, I knew I loved fashion, and I knew that I could blog about it. My friends begged me to make a blog, they knew how much I loved the industry. To be writing about something I have always loved is just amazing.
3. What is your favorite season & how do you dress for that season? My favorite season is definitely spring!! For spring, I definitely wear a lot of maxi dresses, floppy hats, bold necklaces, lace, clutches, strappy pumps, floral, and colored pants. You'll definitely find me in J. Crew during spring.
4. What items are on your summer wish list in terms of jewelry and accessories? A rose pair of Ray-Ban aviators, Kate Spade NY skinny mini bow studs, Zara cross body (preferably in tan), a bold scarf, and a Rachel Zoe floppy hat. I'll keep it short.
5. Can you describe your blog in a short paragraph? My blog is a reflection of my style, and myself! It's a place where I can just write freely and share trends, and hopefully inspire people to create a blog of their own or to re-vamp their wardrobe!
6.. Who are your favorite fashion bloggers and why do you admire them? I do not have one specific favorite fashion blogger or bloggers. I admire anybody who blogs about fashion that does not just do it for the free clothes, the money or for a shot at fame. You can tell when bloggers don't love what they are doing.
7. If you could live in another country, where would you choose to live? Italy by far, Milan is one of the biggest fashion meccas.
8. How do you see your blog a year from now? I hope to see my blog still running, it will be fun to watch as it continues to grow, and that each and every posts is quality. I don't see any specific numbers, I can't predict that. I just want to continue writing about what I love, and meeting new people.
9. Are you a trend setter or a trend follower? A little bit of both, I get inspiration from magazines and make the look my own. It's not my place to say if I am a trend-setter or not, that's for others to decide.
10. How many times do you re-read the post you typed before hitting 'Publish'? Way too many, I triple check before I publish on the casual post. I definitely check the designer posts the most before I publish, those always have to perfect.
9. Chanel's Hula Hoop Bag from the Spring/Summer 2013 collection, Would you purchase it? As much as I adore Chanel and Karl Lagerfeld, I would not purchase it. I go by the motto "less is more", this bag simply is not functional. Think of what Madmoiselle Chanel would say.
10. If you could order a Louis Vuitton custom case, what item would you order it for? For my YSL pumps or for my Gucci ostrich bag, those are the items I treasure the most.
11. If you could interview Karl Lagerfeld, what three questions would you ask him? To interview Karl Lagerfeld would be beyond anything, I would ask him 1.) "What was Madmoiselle Chanel like?" 2.)"How many pairs of shoes do you have?" (Silly, I know) 3.) "What do you think you individually bring to the House of Chanel?"
(p.s, I have no idea what's up with the numbering.)
My nominees!
1.) Busola Coutts of The Fashion Stir Fry
2.) Eleanora Digiesi of Elly in Makeup Land
3.) Doménica Quintero of d is for dangerous
4.) Jenn of Snappy Lemon
5.) Jaclyn De Bonis of Written in Fashion
My questions for my nominees!!
- How would you describe your style in 3 words?
- What do you think when you first get dressed in the morning?
- What is one trend that you think will always be in style?
- What trends do you absolutely hate?
- What are some of your staple items?
- Who introduced you to fashion?
- What are some of your goals as a blogger?
- What trend do you hope never comes back?
- Who in the fashion industry do you think you would be best friends with? Why?
- What was your favorite red carpet moment at the Oscars? (any year)
- Do you have any regrets as far as your blog is concerned?
Friday, July 19, 2013
Twelve months, Seventy-Two outfits, part one.
4 Sociabliss Marketplace Stores I love!
Hey y'all, if you remember my post last week, I featured 7 Etsy owners and their stores that I obsessed over! This time, I am featuring items from the community of Socialbliss! What I love about this website, is that it is not just bloggers, and a lot of jewelry designers and retailers sell items via Socialbliss! Through discovery I have found 4 fabulous stores to feature, all of these items can be found on the Socialbliss stores below!! If you are unfamiliar with Socialbliss, here's my recent post about Socialbliss!!
Here are 4 Socialbliss stores I love!
1.) Autumn Ripple
Price Range: $24-$35
Store Link:
Here are 4 of the items that I love!
Here are 4 Socialbliss stores I love!
1.) Autumn Ripple
Price Range: $24-$35
Store Link:
Here are 4 of the items that I love!
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Price: $35.00 Why I love this item?: Pair this item with a simple t-shirt, and a blazer and you have an effortless look, it is very casual and super fabulous! |
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Price: $35.00 Why I love this item?: You can easily wear this item BOTH day and night! I would personally wear this with a lace white dress to give the outfit an extra pop! |
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Price: $24.00 Why I love this item?: I love the yellow and the black together! You can easily pair this with a chambray shirt, and white pants! |
2.) Kamilah Campbell
Price Range: $21-$29
Store Link:
Here are 4 items that I love!
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Price: $29.00 Why I love this item?: Intertwining gold over baby blue is seriously fabulous, I love the detail! |
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Price: $25.00 Why I love this item?: I am obsessed with unique and fun jewelry! I love being able to mix things up, and go for an unexpected route! This ring is unexpected, and chic! It is very unique and I absolutely adore it! Navy is also one of my staple colors, so I love this even more! |
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Price: $21.00 Why I love this item?: I am loving the brick red and wood color blocking! So chic! |
3.) zero UV sunglasses
Price range: $10-$15
Store Link:
Here are 4 items that I love!
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Price: $10.00 Why I love this item?: These sunnies have such an amazing lens coloring, I love how it looks like a UV light, and I love how it isn't just the typical black lens! |
4.) Chic Wish
Price range: $10.12 -$70.92
Store link:
Here are 4 items I love!:
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Price:$43.90 Why I love this item?: I am loving the Peter-pan collar and the black sheer with the bold print! The print is so different, and very chic! |
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Price: $59.72 Why I love this item?: This super chic blouse and short duo are super chic! I love the black detail, and just how absolutely amazing it is! |
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Price: $46.92 Why I love this item?: These sandals are totally beach worthy! You can dress them up, or down with a maxi-dress or skirt or with a pair of shorts! |
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Price: $11.82 Why I love this item?: I am obsessed with the pastel starfish with the mini pearl! |
Once again, if you love any of these items as much as I do, you can find them all in the Socialbliss marketplace! Be sure to check out all the other marketplace items! Happy shopping!
Until later,
Monday, July 15, 2013
My Socialbliss experience so far!
Hey y'all! I want to share with y'all my fun and exciting journey as a SocialBliss style ambassador, and also as a member on Socialbliss! A lot of people have asked me "What is Socialbliss?", and when I first told family members about it they thought it was like Twitter , Socialbliss is a website to connect with other fashion bloggers, designers and photographers! You can sell items in your store, or purchase items from other users in the marketplace! The community is SO friendly, and just absolutely amazing! Each user has their own personal collection boards where they are able to 'spot' items they love! It is strictly fashion and beauty and I love having a tight-knit social media community! As a style ambassador, I can host Socialbliss swapping parties, build my store, and blog about the fun features this site has to offer! It is very easy to use, and personally the spots that I have found have inspired a few of my posts! If you have not checked it out, I definitely recommend that you do! Socialbliss has been a great experience so far, and I am so excited to watch this site grow!! Through Socialbliss, I have come in contact with some great people, who all share their love of fashion! From the few weeks that I have been on Socialbliss, I have learned a lot! If you have a Socialbliss account or store, I would love to check it out and follow you! Leave your link in the comments!
P.S., I am officially featured in the pro section of the website!!
Here is my link!:
Until later, XOXO, -T
Here's a snapshot of what I have spotted so far!
Thursday, July 11, 2013
And then, a fashionista was born.
Once upon a time, there was a little girl who was fashion obsessed, this little girl owned her very own mini Louis Vuitton at the age of two, this little girl craved Vogue instead of coloring books, this little girl was very indeed a fashionista at birth. She was an unstoppable force, and tried on her mothers Jimmy Choo pumps, and taught herself to walk in 2 inch heels at the age of 5. This little girl knew fashion, she knew how dresses were supposed to fit, and how pearls were always the answer. Instead of wanting to be a doctor, or a vet, or even a princess, this little girl dreamed of being a editor. She dreamed of moving to New York, and being surrounded by all things chic. One day, as this little girl grew up, she realized that fashion was there to stay, and that it was indeed her true passion. She thrived on reading books about Chanel, and even watched TLC's What Not To Wear, she was inspired by embellishments, lace, and delicate feminine designs. She closely studied Grace Kelly's fashion evolution, instead of working on schoolwork, this little girl was hooked on fashion and owned more Vogue issues than the average 6 year old, and there was no turning back. As she grew up into her teenage years, she was no longer the fashion obsessed little girl, she was the fashion obsessed young lady, and she continued to share her love of fashion with others. As she matured, she found her way into the world of fashion blogs, and was inspired by the outfits of others and one day dreamed of having a website of her own. Two years later, on June, 8th 2013, the young lady had a fashion blog that she could call her very own. She typed away her thoughts on trends, connected with others, and accomplished finding her very own little black dress. She went out on into the world, and discovered the majesty of online shopping, and was one credit card transaction from owning Tom Ford sunnies and Prada riding boots. It was almost as the little girl grasped fashion at birth, and had the knack to be bold, feminine, and confident; all at once. This little girl/ women, is me, I'm the little girl who craved Vogue, and to be blogging of my life-long passion is just beyond any expectations that I could even dream of. The short time that I have been doing this, I have enjoyed it so much, I have met so many lovely people, and reading messages and receiving all the kind comments have just been the best thing ever, I am living my dream of sharing with people around the world what I am truly passionate about. I had made this blog one of my top priorities, and to see it thrive is just beyond everything. I want you all to know that if I was not passionate about this, that I would not be here right now writing this. I know I am not posting as often as I would like but I am working on posting quality content, I want you, the reader to leave my blog feeling inspired, after all that's how I felt before I had a blog of my own. I want you all to interact, and share your ideas of what I am posting. Like I have said before, this is only the beginning, I have a good feeling about all of this.
Until later,
Until later,
Fall & Winter Wish-List!
Hey y'all, recently I was thinking about my fall and winter clothes and what I need to buy to stay on trend this season. With fall and winter slowly creeping up on us, I thought that it would be a good idea to make a fall/winter 2013 wish-list! From super chic rain-wear, to bright fall chromatics, I have compiled a wish-list of things that will hopefully appear in my closet before fall arrives. Enjoy!
Honestly, it rains all the time in Florida, practically every day. I thought it would be a necessity to have a designated wish list specifically for rainy days, after all don't we all need a super chic umbrella, and a designated trench coat in our lives? I think yes.
1.) New Faux Snake Alligator Envelope Clutch Bag: $60
Where you can buy this item?:
Why it's perfect for a rainy day?: Just because it is raining outside, it doesn't mean under any circumstances that you have to wear dreary clothes, this envelope clutch is cheery, and anything but dreary! It is the perfect size and color, and it is at a reasonable price!
2.) Patagonia Women's Arborist Trench Coat: $299
Where you can buy this item?:
Why it's perfect for a rainy day?: How perfect and chic is this Patagonia trench coat? I have been dying to buy a navy trench coat forever, and I have found the perfect, ultra fabulous trench coat! I love how it looks right next to the mustard envelope clutch, and after all trench coats are a must for rainy days!
3.) HUNTER Rain & Cold Weather Boots: $180
Where you can buy this item?
Why it's perfect for a rainy day? : Y'all, nothing screams rainy day outfit ensemble like HUNTER boots, I love how they don't really look like rain boots, and have a little equestrian vibe going on! I saw these in Nordstrom's, and I almost bought them, but I opted for different shoes because I was living in Texas at the time. In Texas, rain boots aren't an essential on every body's shopping list because it NEVER rains! I decided that I would probably wear them once or twice, maybe three times if I ever felt the need to treat myself to a London vacation. But now that I live in Florida, where it is raining as I type I will definitely need to buy these, and all the other fabulous items on my wish-list.
4.) Rebecca Taylor Peplum Pullover: $325
Where you can buy this item?:
Why it's perfect for a rainy day?: This Rebecca Taylor peplum is to die for, I love long sleeves, and peplums! I think the peplum trend will continue through the fall 2013 season! I love peplum's with bold statement necklaces, I think it makes such a 'wow' factor, and rainy days are not in any shape or form, an excuse to be drab. I definitely think this item is the most versatile piece in my rainy day wish-list. It can be paired with every item in this set, and almost everything that I already have and just look effortless, definite must-have!
5.) Hunter Ladies Bubble Umbrella: $48
Where you can buy this item?:
Why it's perfect for a rainy day?: This umbrella definitely makes a splash! I love transparent bubble umbrellas, and they have always been a favorite of mine.
6.) Osman Check brocade trousers: $554
Where you can buy this item?
Why it's perfect for a rainy day?: I am obsessed with these trousers, and I am loving the navy and black check, such a statement!
Winter whites are definitely a huge trend for winter 2013!
1.) Chloé Silk Blouse: $895
Where you can buy this item:
Why this is winter white perfection?: I am obsessed with this Chloé blouse, from the silk, to the bow, to the button down and winter white (ivory to be exact), I need this blouse in my life, preferably my closet.
2.) Alexander Wang Lovisa Snake Embossed Pump in Bandage: $525
Where you can buy this item?:
Why this is winter white perfection?: It simply does not snow in Florida, and while flip-flops will not be my winter choice of shoe I would simply prefer to be in Wang sandals, as these are beyond chic, for all seasons. In a perfect world, Alexander Wang would design shoes designed for playing tennis, how chic would that be?
3.) Moschino Pintucked Woven Skirt: $448
Where you can buy this item?:
Why this is winter white perfection?: Pintucks are always chic, especially when it's Moschino. How cayuuutee is this skirt?
4.) Zara Cotton Blazer: $80
Where you can buy this item:
Why this is winter white perfection?: I'm a sucker for anything by Zara, and I am definitely needing a new white blazer!
5.) Boy. By Band Of Outsiders pleated cotton dress: $214
Where you can buy this item:
Why this is winter white perfection?: Band Of Outsiders is always amazing , enough said. I am definitely buying this dress!
6.) GIVENCHY Antigona Envelope Clutch in Ivory: $1,280
Where you can buy this item?: forward
Why this is winter white perfection? Givenchy always goes above and beyond, to be totally honest I haven't always kept up with Givenchy but this year I have been non-stop pinning Givenchy. I have a great feeling about winter 2013 y'all!
7.) Alexander Wang cropped tuxedo trouser: $177
Where you can buy this item?:
Why this is winter white perfection?: Alexander Wang is timeless, his items are seriously so sophisticated and refined.
Y'all, I actually love riding boots, because you guessed it, I am a equestrian! While nothing beats my show boots, I would love to indulge in a pair of boots that do not go to the stables to ride my horse!
1.) Tory Burch Juliet riding boot: $525 (top left)
Where to buy?:
Why I want?: This is totally equestrian chic, I love the color of the leather and how narrow they look. Whenever I have gone out shopping for riding boots, the ones I am in love with are always way too wide but these look like they are slim!
2.) Chloé tall boots: $1,335
Where to buy?:
Why I want?: According to, the description says that these are narrow, but the calf looks really wide! I'm actually loving the chunky heel!
3.) Frye Phillip harness tall: $348
Where to buy?:
Why I want?: I am obsessed with the distressed leather and the hardware on these boots!
4.) Cole Haan Daelin riding boot: $300
Where to buy?:
Why I want?: I love the two toned leather and gold buckle! According to the description, they have concealed NIKE air technology for comfort support! I also love the mini stacked heel!
5.) Rupert Sanderson flat riding boots: $1,265
Where to buy?:
Why I want?: These remind me of a pair of Gucci's that I saw at Saks, I love the color of the leather!
6.) Ralph Lauren Collection Sabeen: $995
Where to buy?:
Why I want?: Y'all, these are seriously perfect, nothing says equestrian perfection like Ralph Lauren! I love that they have a pull tab on the back and that they are made in Italy! I am obsessed with the gold plating on the back of the heel and the elasticized sides!
7.) Alberto Fascini tall boots: $970
Where to buy?:
Why I want?: The logo totally reminds me of a family crest, I'm kind of obsessed with the color of the leather.
8.) Mulberry Dorset leather riding boots: $1,200
Where to buy?:
Why I want?: These are just beyond chic, and I love the neutral.
Just because it's fall, there is no excuse to put away the bright colors! It's all about mint, emerald green, plum, tangerine, and light shades of pink this fall!
1.) Anthropologie knitted & knotted cassis pullover: $88
Where to buy?:
Why it's popping?: This piece is just so dainty and delicate! I am a huge fan of Anthropologie because of how simplistic and understated their pieces are!
2.) Burberry: price unknown.
Y'all, I made all these sets on Polyvore and saved every single one of them, except for this one! I know the name of every item (except for this blouse), but for some reason this blouse is just not showing up anymore. I have scoured websites to find the price, but unfortunately it is unknown. However, it is extremely appropriate for fall. I am so sorry for this mess-up.
3.) Theory double ggt Simra button up shirt: $309
Where to buy?:
Why it's popping?: I'm a little obsessed with the color plum right now.
4.) Chloé Marcie: $775
Where to buy?:
Why it's popping?: Chloé is downright my all time overall favorite designers, ever. Everything is just so dainty and feminine, my personal style has really been influenced by the pieces and I truly admire every collection. This light pink Marcie is truly fabulous, I love how this looks with the Anthropologie blouse, great combination!
5.) Alexander Wang Johanna ankle-cuff patent sandal: $ 495
Where to buy?:
Why it's popping?: Alexander Wang makes everything better.
6.) Aqua pave leaf earrings: $24
Where to buy?:
Why it's popping?: I'm in love with these, you can probably pair these with anything.
7.) TOPSHOP scuba high neck skater dress: $30
Where to buy?:
Why it's popping?: I have been eyeing this dress for a while, I love everything about it.
8.) ISSA crystal embroidered silk dress in royal: $710
Where to buy?:
Why it's popping?: I absolutely adore the royal blue and the poppy and tangerine together, it makes such a statement!
I hope that y'all enjoyed my wish-list! It was so much fun sharing, tell me in your comments which item's from my wish-list, are also on yours!
until later,
Honestly, it rains all the time in Florida, practically every day. I thought it would be a necessity to have a designated wish list specifically for rainy days, after all don't we all need a super chic umbrella, and a designated trench coat in our lives? I think yes.
1.) New Faux Snake Alligator Envelope Clutch Bag: $60
Where you can buy this item?:
Why it's perfect for a rainy day?: Just because it is raining outside, it doesn't mean under any circumstances that you have to wear dreary clothes, this envelope clutch is cheery, and anything but dreary! It is the perfect size and color, and it is at a reasonable price!
2.) Patagonia Women's Arborist Trench Coat: $299
Where you can buy this item?:
Why it's perfect for a rainy day?: How perfect and chic is this Patagonia trench coat? I have been dying to buy a navy trench coat forever, and I have found the perfect, ultra fabulous trench coat! I love how it looks right next to the mustard envelope clutch, and after all trench coats are a must for rainy days!
3.) HUNTER Rain & Cold Weather Boots: $180
Where you can buy this item?
Why it's perfect for a rainy day? : Y'all, nothing screams rainy day outfit ensemble like HUNTER boots, I love how they don't really look like rain boots, and have a little equestrian vibe going on! I saw these in Nordstrom's, and I almost bought them, but I opted for different shoes because I was living in Texas at the time. In Texas, rain boots aren't an essential on every body's shopping list because it NEVER rains! I decided that I would probably wear them once or twice, maybe three times if I ever felt the need to treat myself to a London vacation. But now that I live in Florida, where it is raining as I type I will definitely need to buy these, and all the other fabulous items on my wish-list.
4.) Rebecca Taylor Peplum Pullover: $325
Where you can buy this item?:
Why it's perfect for a rainy day?: This Rebecca Taylor peplum is to die for, I love long sleeves, and peplums! I think the peplum trend will continue through the fall 2013 season! I love peplum's with bold statement necklaces, I think it makes such a 'wow' factor, and rainy days are not in any shape or form, an excuse to be drab. I definitely think this item is the most versatile piece in my rainy day wish-list. It can be paired with every item in this set, and almost everything that I already have and just look effortless, definite must-have!
5.) Hunter Ladies Bubble Umbrella: $48
Where you can buy this item?:
Why it's perfect for a rainy day?: This umbrella definitely makes a splash! I love transparent bubble umbrellas, and they have always been a favorite of mine.
6.) Osman Check brocade trousers: $554
Where you can buy this item?
Why it's perfect for a rainy day?: I am obsessed with these trousers, and I am loving the navy and black check, such a statement!
Winter whites are definitely a huge trend for winter 2013!
1.) Chloé Silk Blouse: $895
Where you can buy this item:
Why this is winter white perfection?: I am obsessed with this Chloé blouse, from the silk, to the bow, to the button down and winter white (ivory to be exact), I need this blouse in my life, preferably my closet.
2.) Alexander Wang Lovisa Snake Embossed Pump in Bandage: $525
Where you can buy this item?:
Why this is winter white perfection?: It simply does not snow in Florida, and while flip-flops will not be my winter choice of shoe I would simply prefer to be in Wang sandals, as these are beyond chic, for all seasons. In a perfect world, Alexander Wang would design shoes designed for playing tennis, how chic would that be?
3.) Moschino Pintucked Woven Skirt: $448
Where you can buy this item?:
Why this is winter white perfection?: Pintucks are always chic, especially when it's Moschino. How cayuuutee is this skirt?
4.) Zara Cotton Blazer: $80
Where you can buy this item:
Why this is winter white perfection?: I'm a sucker for anything by Zara, and I am definitely needing a new white blazer!
5.) Boy. By Band Of Outsiders pleated cotton dress: $214
Where you can buy this item:
Why this is winter white perfection?: Band Of Outsiders is always amazing , enough said. I am definitely buying this dress!
6.) GIVENCHY Antigona Envelope Clutch in Ivory: $1,280
Where you can buy this item?: forward
Why this is winter white perfection? Givenchy always goes above and beyond, to be totally honest I haven't always kept up with Givenchy but this year I have been non-stop pinning Givenchy. I have a great feeling about winter 2013 y'all!
7.) Alexander Wang cropped tuxedo trouser: $177
Where you can buy this item?:
Why this is winter white perfection?: Alexander Wang is timeless, his items are seriously so sophisticated and refined.

1.) Tory Burch Juliet riding boot: $525 (top left)
Where to buy?:
Why I want?: This is totally equestrian chic, I love the color of the leather and how narrow they look. Whenever I have gone out shopping for riding boots, the ones I am in love with are always way too wide but these look like they are slim!
2.) Chloé tall boots: $1,335
Where to buy?:
Why I want?: According to, the description says that these are narrow, but the calf looks really wide! I'm actually loving the chunky heel!
3.) Frye Phillip harness tall: $348
Where to buy?:
Why I want?: I am obsessed with the distressed leather and the hardware on these boots!
4.) Cole Haan Daelin riding boot: $300
Where to buy?:
Why I want?: I love the two toned leather and gold buckle! According to the description, they have concealed NIKE air technology for comfort support! I also love the mini stacked heel!
5.) Rupert Sanderson flat riding boots: $1,265
Where to buy?:
Why I want?: These remind me of a pair of Gucci's that I saw at Saks, I love the color of the leather!
6.) Ralph Lauren Collection Sabeen: $995
Where to buy?:
Why I want?: Y'all, these are seriously perfect, nothing says equestrian perfection like Ralph Lauren! I love that they have a pull tab on the back and that they are made in Italy! I am obsessed with the gold plating on the back of the heel and the elasticized sides!
7.) Alberto Fascini tall boots: $970
Where to buy?:
Why I want?: The logo totally reminds me of a family crest, I'm kind of obsessed with the color of the leather.
8.) Mulberry Dorset leather riding boots: $1,200
Where to buy?:
Why I want?: These are just beyond chic, and I love the neutral.
Just because it's fall, there is no excuse to put away the bright colors! It's all about mint, emerald green, plum, tangerine, and light shades of pink this fall!
1.) Anthropologie knitted & knotted cassis pullover: $88
Where to buy?:
Why it's popping?: This piece is just so dainty and delicate! I am a huge fan of Anthropologie because of how simplistic and understated their pieces are!
2.) Burberry: price unknown.
Y'all, I made all these sets on Polyvore and saved every single one of them, except for this one! I know the name of every item (except for this blouse), but for some reason this blouse is just not showing up anymore. I have scoured websites to find the price, but unfortunately it is unknown. However, it is extremely appropriate for fall. I am so sorry for this mess-up.
3.) Theory double ggt Simra button up shirt: $309
Where to buy?:
Why it's popping?: I'm a little obsessed with the color plum right now.
4.) Chloé Marcie: $775
Where to buy?:
Why it's popping?: Chloé is downright my all time overall favorite designers, ever. Everything is just so dainty and feminine, my personal style has really been influenced by the pieces and I truly admire every collection. This light pink Marcie is truly fabulous, I love how this looks with the Anthropologie blouse, great combination!
5.) Alexander Wang Johanna ankle-cuff patent sandal: $ 495
Where to buy?:
Why it's popping?: Alexander Wang makes everything better.
6.) Aqua pave leaf earrings: $24
Where to buy?:
Why it's popping?: I'm in love with these, you can probably pair these with anything.
7.) TOPSHOP scuba high neck skater dress: $30
Where to buy?:
Why it's popping?: I have been eyeing this dress for a while, I love everything about it.
8.) ISSA crystal embroidered silk dress in royal: $710
Where to buy?:
Why it's popping?: I absolutely adore the royal blue and the poppy and tangerine together, it makes such a statement!
I hope that y'all enjoyed my wish-list! It was so much fun sharing, tell me in your comments which item's from my wish-list, are also on yours!
until later,
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