Thursday, June 13, 2013

When all fails, turn to Cosmo quizzes.. Or don't.. totally your choice

Recently (as in 5 minutes ago), I decided that I was getting a teensy bit sick of writing trends of the day, and I decided to take several Cosmo fashion quizzes to give me a little bit of inspiration. The below is a list of the quizzes that I took: Which fashion decade are you?, What kind of handbag are you?, What's your dress personality?, What's your summer holiday style?, Are you a shopaholic? and last but not least, "What Sex In the City character are you?". As you can imagine, the results were a teensy bit off, but very entertaining. Let me explain/ judge every answer I got. 

According to Cosmo's fashion quiz regarding my fashion decade, I am apparently "the 90's", which I find ridiculous, as I thought I was the 50's with a little bit of 20's.  I mean, I was born in the 90's and the pictures are not that pretty. If Cosmo gave me the 50's, I would be perfectly happy. 

Regarding my "handbag quiz", I am a satchel. Which I don't really understand because I really think that I could be a Hermes if I really wanted to. But I have to admit, the description was perfection, and I can say that I have a little more confidence in whoever is in charge of Cosmo's quiz result. Here's the description that captured my heart... for a second..:"You appear to have a practical take on things and are always happy to be the one taking on the role of organiser. When it comes to your wardrobe, you often favour comfortable classics over the latest trends and loafers, cargo trousers and a smart shirt are your go-to pieces. While your no-nonsense attitude is to be admired, don’t be afraid to be spontaneous and mix things up on occasion. Your perfect bag is a practical satchel, but look out for one with a bold colour or print to show off your wild side."   Cosmo should know that I do not have a no-nonsense attitude, or " prefer the latest trends over comfortable classics.". They obviously have not seen my blog. But it's okay Cosmo. It's all okay, maybe next time. 

My dress personality quiz results instantly put me in the best mood ever, I got little black dress y'all!! This means, that if I were a dress, I would be a little black dress!! If you have read my last two posts, you would totally get my excitement!!! 

 To put it nicely, my summer holiday style result was not the brightest response. While the response was extra chic, it had absolutely nothing to do with fashion, and everything to do with how I am "totally the type to have cocktails beachside in the French Riviera." Shame on you, Cosmo, Shame on you. 

To sum it up, Cosmo says I'm a Carrie, which I accept, but I would actually prefer to be a mix of Carrie and Charlotte, only because the guys Carrie dates have the tendency to be really attractive. 


P.S. This is one sad excuse of a post. At first, it sounded like a good idea, but I'm exhausted and I'll just blame Cosmo. 


  1. A good idea for a post! The few magazine quizzes I have done have always ended up with strange results!
