Friday, June 21, 2013

Week In Review

It's official, the blog is two weeks old!! Let me just say, that I am beyond ecstatic to announce that something fabulous is in the works RIGHT NOW, and it's BIG! Anyway, this week I introuduced the Designer Of The Day segment in which I wrote about 3 of my favorite designers: Alice Temperley, Valentino, and Marchesa. I took a two day break, but I'm back! This week has been a roller coaster, in the two days that I was gone I was post planning, trying to figure out Google Analytics ( which was a failure), and packing for the move. I have been writing the requested trend, and trying to make it really amazing because this is what y'all said you wanted me to write about! I had a mini breakdown when the post did not save, and the fabulous post I took 5 hours to write, was gone. It was horrible to say the least, I cried a little and tweeted a lot. I was also going through a blogging plateau, I was pretty much at the point where I just had to take a little break, and do some major strategizing. This week, my closet also went through a detox, and is color coded, and absolutely fabulous! I posted my first outfit of the day (J. Crew, Gucci and Tom Ford sunnies which weren't shown but you will definitely, I see them sometime soon), I dished it out on McQueen's lace menswear, I wrote about Blake Lively's God-like wardrobe, and now as of Thursday at 6:00 I am being offered an amazing oppurunity!! (More on that later). To everybody who has read, followed, commented, and messaged me about the blog: I would just like to say that I am SO thankful for y'all!! Special shoutouts to the fabulous ladies I have met via IFB, y'all have been so welcoming and just so nice! I definitley look forward to what the future has to bring!! Bloggin really has been amazing (except for the lost post, that sucked). This week was when the reality and stresses of blogging sunk in, the honeymoon period was quickly over. I realized blogging consists of a lot of late night writing, stressful stat reviews, and of course, Tweeting. (If you haven't followed me, follow me @diaryofmycloset). I realized I have to step out of my comfort zone, and a lot of typing (duh!). It truly is amazing to know that people from all over the world have read my blog!!! Big thanks to everybody, this is only the beginning. 

XOXO, -T. 

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