Saturday, June 8, 2013

An open letter to those who wouldn't mind sending some trendy people my way.

Dear to whom it may concern, (in this case,this includes anybody who can read a blog and likes fashion)

Are y'all even there? I'm totally new to this and I would love some  trendy blogging  friends! 

Here is a questionnaire I found on tumblr. And I am totally doing this just for fun. 
Y'all better enjoy. 

1. What was your dream career in kindergarten? Oh my gosh, when I was little I wanted to be a doctor/princess. 
2. What dessert do you eat the most? Haagen dasz mango sorbet. Guilty.
3. What country's have you been to? Panama, the Bahamas, Mexico, and Costa Rica. 
4. (This question is so random) Would you rather own a chinchilla or a fennec fox? A fennec fox, I'm scared of chinchillas y'all. 
5. What gifts did you receive your last birthday? Gift card to Saks, a dress from a local botique, Brad Goreskis book, YSL  tributes in sand, and Prada loafers. Best.birthday. Ever. 
6. How many people on Tumblr have you met in real life? Y'all I don't even have a Tumblr. Well, I do. I just forgot my password.
7. If you could wake up tomorrow having gained one quality what would it be? Definitely blake livelys closet. (Is that a legit quality?)
8. How did you celebrate last Halloween? Handing out candy and getting hit on by trick or treaters. Yup, I'm not kidding. 
9. Would you like go be famous? In what way? Yes, probably for having a fabulous fashion blog. That would make everything so amazing.
10. If you knew that you were going to die suddenly, would you change anything about the way you are living now? I would probably move to NYC and try to get a fabulous internship at vogue. 
11. Where you ever in a school play? What was your role? Did anything funny happen? Yes, I was Gretel. Let's just say, I might have tripped and leave it at that. 
12. Describe the last time you went to the zoo. It was hot, and I forgot to wear sunscreen. What can I say? I got sunburned. 
13. If your personality was a celebrity who would you be? Reese Witherspoon. 
14. If you could invent a new flavor of ice cream what would it be? How amazing would a cherry margarita ice cream be? I'm serious y'all, cherry margarita. 
15. If you had to move from where you live where would you go and what would you miss most? Well, I'm moving from Texas to Florida in about 2 weeks. But if I had a choice it would be NYC. I will miss Texas, because of all the friends I have here but I'll be super close to Miami y'all! How amazing is that! 
16. Is there something you've dreamed of doing? Why haven't you done it? I have totally dreamed of buying a Birkin. Y'all Birkins are 19,000 dollars, does that answer your question why I haven't done it yet? 
17. if you were to write a successful book in the near future, would it be fiction or non fiction? Probably non fiction. Just because I'm sassy. 
18. Would you rather live in a castle or a spaceship? Castle obviously. 
19. How many different places have you lived? 2.
20. What would you consider to be the biggest insult to yourself? Probably if someone said I need better fashion sense, I would go cry in my closet and buy an excess amount of shoes.

P.S: I couldn't resist to post this. 

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